Wednesday, January 03, 2007

7 Tips to Lose Weight Safely

Losing weight today is a matter of health. It is no longer all about just looking good. We know that obesity is a serious health risk reaching epidemic proportions in this country. There are no quick fixes. To lose weight safely, you must eat right and exercise daily. Here are a few tips that you can use anytime to help you head in the right direction.

1. Drink lots of water. Often times we eat when we really just require hydration. Drink water before, during and after meals. Water fills you up and helps you to eat less, without all the calories. Water is also required by our bodies for so many of its natural functions. Also, being well hydrated gives you energy and flushes all of the toxins from your body, leaving you feeling healthier.

2. Stay away from soda and other sweetened drinks. It has been documented that we will adjust our intake when we eat a handful of candy. However, we do not do so when drinking sweetened juices or sodas. What this means is that we are taking in way too many extra calories for the day. Add to this the fact that we often drink many of these items. What to do? See number one.

3. Eat several smaller meals in a day. Studies show that eating more frequently keeps your blood glucose levels balanced, which in turn curbs your hunger and craving for more carbohydrates. Have fruits, vegetables, nuts and cheese for snacks.

4. Eat whole grains instead of simple sugars. This means eat brown rice instead of white. Eat the whole grain rather than the refined product. The whole grain is not only better for your health, but keeps you more satisfied.

5. Increase your fiber intake. Fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains will keep you fuller longer and help to keep you more regular. Fiber is important for colon health. Plus, you’ll get more vitamins and minerals in the whole foods.

6. Try to exercise everyday. Have fun with it. Turn your chores into exercise. You can burn calories cleaning. Or get a stroller and take the little ones with you. Not only will you be getting exercise, but you’ll be setting a good example for your children.

7. Stay present and in the moment. When you pay attention to your meal and your own body, you will know when you are full. When you are satisfied, you stop eating, get up from the table and be present in the next thing. Food is a very large part of American’s social life. We tend to eat when we’re not hungry and we seem to have lost that trigger that lets us know when we have eaten enough, or maybe we’ve just ignored it for too long. At any rate, when you develop the habit of eating slowly and paying attention to your body’s signs, you will find that you naturally eat less.

These are just a few tips to get you started. Start slow. Develop good habits. Habits become a new way of living. I encourage you to write your comments. Leave your tips for our other readers. We can do this thing together. And remember, you only have to do this today. You can always change your mind tomorrow, when it gets here. You can do anything one day at a time!

Copyright 2007 Pat Tomaskovic

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